Your post procedure care consists of cleaning your eyes with a clean, lightly, dampened cotton round for the first 4 hours every hour after your procedure and then implementing a 10 day dry healing.

This means that your eyes cannot get wet at all. We will provide you with protective visors for showering.

It would be best to wash and cleanse your face with wipes for these ten days to avoid any splashing on your eyes.

In addition, do not profusely sweating (hot yoga and the sauna will have to be on pause for at least 10 days)

No creams or makeup directly on the eyes, no mascara, and no direct sun exposure (if you know you will need to be in the sun for extended periods of time you must wear a wide brimmed hat).

You will need to wait 4 weeks to restart your lash growth treatments or apply any lash extensions.

You must let the scabbing process happen naturally. This is very important for your retention and skin healing.

DO NOT pick at the scabs, scratch your eyes, peel your scabs off, or scrub the area. This can result in scarring and will affect your overall retention of the pigment.